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August 08 · 3 min read

Objective C: 6 Strategic Key Features & Advantages

Objective C OOPs

Jaina Jacob

Techjays Blogger

Objective C

Objective C: Key Features & Advantages


Objective C: Introduction

Objective C provides a solid foundation for building powerful and feature-rich applications. Let’s read more about the key features and advantages of Objective C

Key Features of Objective C

a. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Objective C supports object-oriented programming paradigms, allowing developers to create classes, objects, and inheritance, facilitating code organization and reusability. This approach promotes modular design and encapsulation, making it easier to manage complex applications by breaking them down into smaller, interconnected components. Inheritance allows developers to create new classes based on existing ones, inheriting their properties and behaviors, thus saving time and effort in coding.

b. Dynamic Runtime: One of Objective C’s distinguishing features is its dynamic runtime system. It enables features like method swizzling, which allows developers to exchange the implementations of methods at runtime, enhancing flexibility and extending functionality. This capability is particularly useful for implementing features like runtime introspection, where objects can inspect their own properties and methods, enabling advanced debugging and runtime modifications.

c. Message Passing: In Objective C, communication between objects is achieved through message passing. Objects send messages to each other to invoke methods and interact, making it a fundamental aspect of the language. This messaging mechanism is at the core of the language’s flexibility and dynamic behavior. It allows objects to communicate without requiring explicit knowledge of each other’s internal structure, promoting loose coupling and modularity in software design.

d. Automatic Reference Counting (ARC): Introduced with iOS 5, ARC automatically manages memory by adding and removing retain or release calls. This helps reduce memory management overhead for developers. ARC analyzes the object’s lifetime and inserts memory management code at compile time, ensuring that objects are deallocated when they are no longer needed. This relieves developers from manual memory management tasks, reducing the risk of memory leaks and crashes due to improper memory management.

e. Integration with Cocoa Touch: Objective C seamlessly integrates with Cocoa Touch, Apple’s framework for building iOS applications. This integration provides access to a wide range of pre-built user interface components and APIs that simplify app development. Cocoa Touch follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, making it easier to separate concerns and build maintainable, scalable applications. Objective-C’s integration with Cocoa Touch streamlines the development process and encourages consistent design practices.

f. Interoperability with C and Swift: Objective C can coexist and interoperate with both C and Swift, Apple’s modern programming language for iOS app development. This allows developers to use existing C or Swift code in Objective C projects and vice versa. This level of interoperability is invaluable when migrating from older codebases or gradually adopting newer technologies. It enables developers to leverage the strengths of multiple languages within a single project, enhancing code reuse and adaptability.

Advantages of Objective-C

a. Rich History and Ecosystem: Objective C has a long-standing history in iOS app development and has been used to build many successful and well-established apps. Its ecosystem offers extensive resources, documentation, and community support. Developers can tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience that has accumulated over the years, making it easier to find solutions to common problems and best practices. This rich history also signifies the language’s reliability and adaptability, as it has evolved alongside the iOS platform.

b. Seamless iOS Integration: As the primary language for iOS development, Objective C seamlessly integrates with Apple’s Cocoa Touch framework. This integration provides developers with access to a wide range of iOS-specific libraries and APIs that facilitate the creation of user interfaces, handling user input, and interacting with device hardware. This close alignment with the iOS ecosystem ensures that Objective C developers can harness the full power of the platform’s capabilities.

c. Dynamic Runtime: Objective-C’s dynamic runtime system offers flexibility and runtime introspection, allowing developers to implement sophisticated features and easily extend existing classes and methods.

d. Compatibility with Legacy Code: Many older iOS apps are written in Objective-C. By using Objective-C, developers can maintain and update these legacy apps while incorporating newer features and technologies.

e. Bridge to Swift: Objective C acts as a bridge to Swift, enabling developers to leverage Swift’s modern language features while continuing to use existing Objective C code and libraries. This bridge allows for a gradual transition to Swift, which is known for its safety, performance, and expressive syntax. Developers can adopt Swift at their own pace, gradually rewriting or incorporating new Swift code into their projects while benefiting from both languages’ strengths.


Objective C was a significant and influential programming language in the world of software development, particularly for Apple’s ecosystem. It played a crucial role in shaping the modern app development landscape, especially for iOS and macOS platforms.

Learn more about objective C